Bethel University
Bethel University Earnings
The median salary of Bethel University graduates is USD $47,482.
SAT & ACT Score Ranges
Students who were admitted to Bethel University and enrolled typically had admission test scores in these ranges.
SAT Score
ACT Score
SAT Score
Section | Midpoint | 25th Percentile | 75th Percentile |
Math | 497 | 480 | 580 |
Writing | 458 | 395 | 520 |
Critical Reading | 495 | 448 | 550 |
ACT Score
Section | Midpoint | 25th Percentile | 75th Percentile |
Math | 17 | 15 | 21 |
English | 17 | 14 | 22 |
Full Test | 18 | 16 | 22 |