Live 1-on-1 Tutoring
We help students score 1500+ for admission to top universities.
We help students score 32 to 36 for admission to top universities.
We help you excel on this Preliminary SAT exam.
Get into your desired grad school or MBA program with a top score.
Gain admission to top secondary schools with a high score.
We teach Ivy League applicants, Athletes, ESL students and more.
Benefits of Your Score Booster Preparation:
- Your Score Booster teaches strategy, not memorization, helping students increase scores dramatically.
- We focus on areas where students can gain the most points, helping students receive acceptance letters rather than rejection letters.
- We teach the exclusive PointsBooster Method, created by Your Score Booster
- We help students receive scores worthy of admission to prestigious universities and secondary schools.
Prepare for a score worthy of top universities or secondary schools.
Our students walk into the test room with confidence.
Why Your Score Booster
Our signature teaching method uses a unique combination of tips, strategies and curricular material.
With one-on-one tutoring, students get individualized attention and material customized for them.
Our tutors and instructors are experts in the material, format and strategies.
Your Score Booster teaches lessons that take into account each student’s strengths and weaknesses.
After boosting their scores with us, students get into Ivy League and other elite universities.
Our tutors and instructors specialize both in the topics they teach and the PointsBooster® Method.